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lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Buenos Aires night diverse.

Dining friendly. Shows transformismo. Hilarious theme parties. In the Reina del Plata, there is a night that is sequins.

Buenos Aires, the cosmopolitan and avant-garde -distinguished that later lie, the best museum complex in Latin America, one of the world capitals of theater, undisputed benchmark in the (new) best design and good food lover, is also a real friendly town. It was the first Latin American city to legalize, in 2003, civil unions between same sex. Tolerant character with a wide cultural and artistic (design fairs, art exhibitions, theater of the most varied genres and concerts by international artists), excellent cuisine, fascinating hotels, precious architecture, an intense and varied nightlife, is an irresistible destination for the LGBT community.

In Buenos Aires the traditional gay circuit runs parallel to the central Avenida Santa Fe, from the corner of Rodríguez Peña to the junction with Avenida Coronel Díaz Coquette (prelude to one of the many input vertices in the neighborhood of Palermo). Browse this artery Northern Quarter is an experience that includes several stops (almost) forced: for the greater public, traditional cafés; for younger, basements sheltering boisterous clubs; for all historical corners. Around this circuit places the traditional dance of Buenos Aires LGBT move, open, always, from midnight cluster.

Leaving Santa Fe and headed for Palermo, diverse night live with typical dimension of the new proposals the most famous neighborhood in recent times: pre dance bars and discos that arise in the context of old houses precious recycled. Palermo also holds the LGBT Bermuda Triangle, an area bounded by Avenida Córdoba area and Gascón and Cabrera streets. Here begins prior, after a delicious dinner, pre dance in bars. In exclusive redoubts, drag queens wear their best talents. In the records, a crowd loud and uninhibited vibe with the music of DJs. A similar thing is the climate in bars Costanera Norte, where although no shows will find transvestites, the (different) is a constant joy to dawn.

In the center of Buenos Aires, near the Courthouse in the Lower and in the neighborhood of San Telmo, theme parties and shows strippers are mounted on palatial architecture and spaces in small patches which refer to the time of better under Buenos Aires.

Something more intimate is the meeting in the homes of Villa Crespo and Chacarita where film screenings, theater, photography and visual art are carried out diverse. They join because in the end the night passes in Buenos Aires, the birthplace of tango and capital of a country where inland resonate zambas and farmers, gay milongas and folkloric friendly.

Cafes in Buenos Aires

Historical, traditional, modern and even design. In the capital of Argentina, pockets of all styles to enjoy the pleasure of meeting.

One of the signs of identity of Buenos Aires are bars, scenarios relating to a city that has chat and conversation a way of understanding life. At first only offered coffee and chocolate with churros, then joined the drinks and games (cards, dominoes and dice); finally, spaces where a cup of tea and enjoy fine pastries were inaugurated. The first census of Buenos Aires café dates from 1799 but the expansion of the bars occurred in the early decades of the twentieth century, alternating them with political discussion tango culture, served as a stronghold of heated ideological discussions were shelter playwrights and filmmakers, and in general, visited all call bohemia. The truth is that many are spread across all neighborhoods of the city and each, in its way, it's a journey. Some cafes and tearooms take refuge in the decorative beauty of the Belle Epoque, others have chosen to rationalism, while many of the latter connect with the culture of minimalism. The City Government has listed a total of 74 cafés notables, among which the famous Tortoni, located on the Avenida de Mayo, site chosen by politicians, artists and clerks from the center since the early twentieth century; Also, The 36 billiard traditional space for pool players; and, in the lower city, Confectionery La Ideal, with a first floor smelling tango film. However, the survival of 'notables' current famous bars have opened up to other air and influences, ranging from the refinement of the bars of the most distinguished hotels to deliberate fashion climate of Puerto Madero.

Buenos Aires Literary

In Buenos Aires the houses are inhabited Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Roberto Arlt, Oliver Girondo. Is the park where Ernesto Sabato stood fundamental Scenes On Heroes and Tombs (Lezama Park); the square where Luis Cane looked pass the most beautiful women (Plaza Flores); no literary corners (as the intersection of Scalabrini Ortiz and Las Heras Journal of Pig War Bioy Casares) and hotels where big names in the international literature (which included Federico Castelar García Lorca) stayed; rides, theaters and cafeterias that inspired feathers of all ages. In Buenos Aires, Borges poetry became the Rose of Palermo; Baldomero Fernandez Moreno painted nostalgia of downtown Café Tortoni; Mujica Lainez portrayed the fabulous Teatro Colón; Leopoldo Lugones words stamped on the bars of the Avenida Corrientes.

Land of authors, literary Buenos Aires is also a haven for readers. In the center there are libraries-every kind and very good Catalogues- open late into the night. Some are generalists, belonging to international chains; also cafés, flirty and irresistible; and 'old' haunts species that make the feast more adventurous readers. Others specialize in philosophy and social sciences, cinema, comics, architecture and design, in religion, in publications in various languages, esotericism, and of course, the child audience. Cradle of a powerful, historical and renewed publishing industry, each year among the months of March and April-hosts an event that brings together authors, publishing houses and public heterogeneous readers: the International Book Fair of Buenos Aires. Furthermore, in July, during the school winter break, young readers have their own Children and Youth Fair Book. Data issues and scenes that have as wisely noted that "in Buenos Aires, books are not a hobby, but a habitat."

Buenos Aires exudes literature. City writers, and readers, it is also the land of publishers and booksellers. In 2011 he was featured as World Book Capital by UNESCO, the International Publishers Association (IPA), the International Booksellers Federation (IBF) and the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).

Adventure in Tandil

A destination to fly like birds. Penetrate through mountain trails. Challenging high stone walls. Overcome obstacles on two wheels. And follow gaucho horse tracks.

In the south of the province of Buenos Aires, surrounded by ancient mountains and verdant city of Tandil concentrated proposals for lovers of adventure in all its variants. Conquer the air, rocks and water is a challenge here for both intrepid spirits as the most moderate. Whatever the chosen form, proposed in Tandil adventure an exciting touch with nature.

Located about 360 km from the capital city of Tandil destination has always been curious, adventurous and nature lovers. Just over a century ago, travelers from all over came here to see a unique phenomenon: the Moving Stone. A mass of 300 tons which was kept in a delicate balance inexplicable -e on top of a hill, swinging for centuries on the edge of an abyss. Finally, the stone fell (now you can see a replica), but the people of Tandil found in nature other alternatives to continue attracting travelers curious and adventurous spirit baptism glider flights, paragliding and hang gliding. Also, trekking: the circuits traverse streams, waterfalls, houses and stone fences towards the summits of the mountains.

The mountain roads are, moreover, a real attraction to visit them in-where mountain bike adventure requires some dexterity to overcome obstacles-in 4x4 or quad with that can be completed road crossings.

Riding the paths of Tandil has a special charm and is a suitable activity for experienced riders and novices of all ages. La Sierra Natural Tiger Reserve is one of the most chosen to go on horseback, because here you can see different places native species.

Another of the challenges that await the traveler in Tandil is directly linked to its stone walls. This area is a widespread practice of climbing, rappelling and ziplining. And in the mirror of water from Lake Fort boating and windsurfing is done.

Museum House Carlos Gardel

The door opens to 735 Jean Jaures is not any door. For fans, it is the threshold to be crossed for the house himself Thrush Buenos Aires. For those who do not know or want to know more of the tango, it is the ideal to live this historical world and left its mark on the city of Buenos Aires entry.

Museo Casa Carlos Gardel - Buenos Aires 
Sings better every day 

It could not be otherwise: just pierced tardicional the vestibule of this house, the first thing we heard was the voice of Gardel himself, who accompanied us from a speaker during the entire visit.

With brochures well designed in hand, we undertook excited around on the floors who ever walked Charles Romuald Gardés (as testament handwriting of Gardel himself, this was his real name) and his mother Berta and friends which always around.

Museo Casa Carlos Gardel - Buenos Aires
The house we were touring has a long history. It was purchased in 1927 by Gardel for his mother and he took along with it until 1933, when, after his last stay in Buenos Aires, started traveling to New York, where he had been summoned to act on NBC (National Broadcasting Company).

The success of your presentations prolonged his stay and led to film a series of his most memorable films (including The Day You Love Me and My beloved Buenos Aires) and also a tour of several Latin American countries that resulted in the tragic accident Medellin, the June 24, 1935, in which he lost his life.

The fate of the house

Doña Berta Gardés continued to occupy the house with her friend Anais Beaux and her husband and when she died in 1943, the house passed into the hands of the last of Gardel. Associated forever memory Thrush Buenos Aires, in the 70s she worked in the famous tanguería La Casa de Carlos Gardel.

Finally, on March 4, 2003 the city government of Buenos Aires inaugurated and fully restored museum dedicated to preserve and promote the memory of which is undoubtedly the most recognized and beloved Argentine folk musician.

Museo Casa Carlos Gardel - Buenos Aires
Gardel bought the house that had a typical distribution of the time and has now become traditional: in the center has a large courtyard which all rooms lead. In turn, the rooms communicate and strung together.

In the museum are different regarding the life and work of Carlos Gardel objects: from records, photographs and musical instruments to furniture and modern artwork celebrating the great idol.

Of particular interest is the bathroom, kitchen and ironing room at the back of the house, who are in their original condition and exhibit different typical objects of everyday life was like in the 20s.

Finally, the museum has a room for temporary exhibitions which are held samples related to the career of Gardel and the future of the music he eventually represent.

We leave this happy museum after having paid a visit to our friend Gardel.

Birds of Ibera

The Ibera Wetlands is a large wetland system, located in the center of the province of Corrientes. It is accessed with special vehicles through the town of Colonia Carlos Pellegrini, located 210 km from Posadas, capital of Misiones.

The Ibera Natural Reserve large number of mammals, reptiles and amphibians are preserved; Also, more than 350 bird species, of which an estimated 90% are native. Other: cappuccino yellow cardinal, large chinchero Brown cacholote, cinnamon cappuccino, cappuccino brown, cappuccino gray crown, leñatero, crestudo white curutié big yetapa, dominica nun, Jabiru, white nun, angu, colorado falcon, crowned eagle, chest white guy coludo big coludo, tachurí cinnamon yetapa necklace, sandpipers and burritos.

Museum of Natural Sciences

One of the most traditional museums of Argentina is dedicated to reviving the natural history through rooms and accessible to all activities.

It is one of the most traditional museums and one of the oldest in Buenos Aires: we went to visit the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences in Centennial Park. One sunny afternoon, usually walking around town, we no more in the distant past: an avenue of direct capital geologic past, the origin of life, dinosaurs and all that surrounds us today.

Ready to disseminate and make accessible the knowledge that science has discovered about the past of our planet and the life that has evolved on it, the museum opens its doors to people of all ages.

Museum of Natural Sciences - Parque Centenario, Buenos Aires
The Academy of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia assumes the name of this Argentinean hero because it was he who inspired the project that led to the First Triumvirate in 1812 invited the provinces to gather materials to form the collection of a museum of natural history. The project of this museum, then, was born about the same time as the country.

Of course, the museum had to grow and travel a lot before arriving at its current form. The initiative was completed only in 1823, labor Rivadavia, who was then minister. After occupying offices in the convent of Santo Domingo in the Manzana de las Luces and the Monserrat square, moved to its current headquarters in 1937 and definitive.

The building now occupied by the museum was built specifically to house it. Its decoration gives details based on local flora and fauna. Owls flanking the first floor windows represent wisdom.

Museum of Natural Sciences - Parque Centenario, Buenos Aires
Just enter the first room you see is the geology. Found from fragments of rocks and crystals to models of the mountain country, cabinets full of information and real meteorites that fell on Argentine soil. In the background is the Planetarium, which can be visited with a separate entrance.

After crossing the Aquarium (which are different live specimens) and the room dedicated to marine life, got to the room Malacology (the branch of science devoted to shellfish). Finally, we visited the hall of Paleontology.

This is undoubtedly the most attractive room in this level and most draw the attention of visitors. With its high ceilings and large windows, is the place to see deployed in all its splendor dinosaur skeletons space. Herbivores, carnivores, aquatic and terrestrial, can almost see them walk among us and stretch their long necks. Also in this room is a corner where the kids can play to dig their own fossils.

A final room before boarding the second floor is devoted to originals of fossil mammals that inhabited the territory of our country.

Museum of Natural Sciences - Parque Centenario, Buenos Aires
The second floor still retains many sections: arthropods, the world of plants, amphibians and reptiles, mammals present, history museum, nature sounds, comparative osteology. There is much to discover and learn.

It is interesting to see how the museum staff has been concerned to ensure that scientific knowledge is something not only accessible, but interesting and we interact with directly. It is not only the reconstructions of skeletons (a very striking image) or cabinets full of information or panels with the sounds of nature that one can go discovering and recognizing. Everything is set for us to understand that science is not something abstract or isolate us. With science we can learn, explore and understand the world around us, the world of every day, all the wonders that are often overlooked.

Visit the Museum of Natural Sciences is to discover much more than a museum.

Cordillera de los Andes

Near the Andes, on the border between Argentina and Chile, a unique journey where the charm of nature blends with history.

In 1817 the Liberator of America, by the Gral. José de San Martin, Grand Army crossed the Andes through the South Patos, a step framed in the valley of the same name in the southwestern province of San Juan . Today, based in Barreal, leave the trips that recreate fragments of one of the most poignant historical deeds of the region. 

The proposal is to ride for 6 days, between 3,000 and 4,500 m, a nearly 100 km along the rugged Andean geography to the border with Chile following part of the San Martin Road. Along the way, the traveling souls will be flooded to the imposing natural landscape elusive: penetrating the river can be admired Volcano walking distance the majestic Aconcagua. The observation of flora and fauna and high mountain, at night reading the stars in the sky of San Juan, the adventure will definitely a lovely touch. 

Barreal is set in Calingasta Valley, southwest of San Juan, 220 km from the provincial capital.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Paraty Tourism: history, beaches and relaxation

Turismo en Paraty

The unique charm of Paraty be summarized in one sentence: small colonial village surrounded by tropical beaches. Located in the Sierra de Bocaina in the Green Coast of Rio de Janeiro, Paraty is not only a paradise for summer, but also a journey through time, a refuge where history invites away from it all. And this just 240 kilometers from the capital and 330 carioca City San Pablo.

Historical tourism in Paraty

The excellent harbor of the Bay of Paraty played a key historical role enter the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, during the "Golden Cycle" in Minas Gerais. The precious metal was brought overland to the Bay of Paraty, generating commercial activity and population in the area. By building a new road to the state of Espirito Santo, Paraty was forgotten. However, its value as testimony of the former Portuguese colony has earned him consideration as a National Historic Landmark. The historic center of the city (apart from the modern part by Azu PEREQUÊ river) is closed to car traffic, making we want to walk it again and again.

The old Gold Road, colonial houses, canned streets, old sugar cane plantations and the Church over 300 years and the Centennial Festa Nossa Senhora dos Remédios held every year ... The relics of Paraty transport us to another time and making it one of the most fascinating of Brazil and one of the best preserved historical gems coastal destinations. 
Beach and ecology in Paraty 

  Paraty features of these landscapes that simply leave us stunned. The beaches of clear water (some empty) are surrounded by mountains covered with thick jungle vegetation. The ecological adventures multiply waterfalls, trails, rivers and waterfalls of the Sierra da Bocaina, considered National Park. The bay has beautiful islands that can be visited by boat.

 Playas y ecología en Paraty

One of the most amazing experiences that nature offers is diving in Paraty: this is one of the main Brazilian foci for this activity. There are several islands and pristine beaches (Ilha dos Hooks, Twofer, Sernambi, Algodão) where underwater life can be seen up close, with all the necessary equipment. 
Cultural life and accommodation in Paraty 

A historical and tropical charm, Paraty adds a cosmopolitan flavor to be Reflected in a bohemian style, relaxed and sophisticated life, in the old town and the modern area. Brazilian and international artists (from musicians and writers to chefs and designers) enliven the cultural life of the city in the galleries, bars, restaurants and boutiques.

 Vida cultural y alojamiento en Paraty

Those looking for fun will love the nightlife of the city. The bossa nova surprises you at every corner, and if you're not in the mood to go to a nightclub, you can simply sit in one place to enjoy good food and fluminense see the pretty locals. 
  Like everything in this destination, accommodation in Paraty also have their unique appeal. There are numerous residences and inns faithful colonial style resort with lovely details and modern amenities for a relaxing stay. Prices, of course, there are very varied, from simple hostels to luxury resorts. There are also accommodations for all profiles: families, youth, couples, groups. Every traveler in Paraty the perfect proposal for your dream vacation.

Getting to Punta del Este

Punta del Este is located in the department of Maldonado, 138 kilometers to 693 kilometers from Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Being the main coastal destination in the country, it is easily accessible from across the country and from other countries, through all means of transport. 

Getting to Punta del Este by car 

From Buenos Aires is easily reached by car through the crossing Gualeguaychú-Fray Bentos, where you must take Route 2 to Route 1, which leads to Montevideo. In the Uruguayan capital should take Interbalnearia Road, which leads directly to Punta del Este. Those who opt for Colon-Paysandu crossing should take Route 3 to its intersection with Route 11, which leads to the Interbalnearia Road (at the entrance to Atlantis). 

Getting to Punta del Este in plane 

Only 25 miles from the Peninsula is the International Airport of Laguna del Sauce (phone + 598 4255 9777), the most commonly used to fly to Punta del Este airport terminal. BQB The company offers flights from Montevideo and Buenos Aires with several weekly frequencies, and high season airlines operating international connections from Brazil and several Argentine cities. 

The ride from the airport to downtown Punta is simple and brief; can be done by taxi (phone +598 4255 9100) or bus (buses pass by east Interbalnearia Road, a few meters from the airport). You can also rent a car at the airport. 

To get from countries outside the region, it is necessary to scale Carrasco Airport (where they spend several daily buses to Punta del Este) or Aeroparque de Buenos Aires. 

Getting to Punta del Este boat 

Although the Port of Punta del Este is one of the most active of Uruguay on cruises and sport boats, there are no direct boats between Buenos Aires and Punta del Este. To get across the river from the capital of Argentina should take some of the Buquebus Ferry (phone + 54-11 43166500), Colonia Express (tel +598 4522 9676) or Seacat (telephone 4314 5100) to the Port of Colonia. Many packages include direct shuttle bus from Colonia to Buenos Aires. 

Getting to Punta del Este in bus 

To arrive by bus from Montevideo should take any of the services COT (telephone 2409 49 49) or COPSA This (phone 17 120), with numerous daily flights from Terminal Tres Cruces (Bulevar General Artigas 1825). The Terminal of Punta del Este (telephone 4248 6810) receives tourist buses from other cities like Minas, Florida and Rocha. 

From Terminal Retiro in Buenos Aires there are also direct buses that make the trip to Punta del Este in ten hours. The service is carried out by companies Bus Race (tel 54 11 4313 1700), Pullman General Belgrano (phone 5411 4018 0010) and Cauvi (tel 54 11 4314 6999).

Arrive & Moving in Montevideo

 Directions to Montevideo

The Port of Montevideo receives mostly cargo ships, but is also the anchor of hundreds of cruise ships arriving during the summer season. However, the connection is most used boat from Argentina to the port of Colonia del Sacramento, a trip that lasts only an hour. The company Buquebus Ferry (tel. 130) has first class buses that make the move to Montevideo in less than two hours, included in the ticket boat. Trans Uruguay (2401-9350) performs the Montevideo-Buenos Aires connection through the port of Carmelo. 

By plane 
Carrasco International Airport is the main air terminal, with daily international flights connecting Montevideo with cities around the world. The new airport opened recently in the adjoining property to the previous airport, and is known for its modern architecture and first class services. The terminal is on the border between Montevideo and Canelones, 20 minutes from the center of the capital.

Agregar leyenda

There are direct flights to Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Miami, Panama, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Curitiba, Campinas, Porto Alegre, Foz do Iguacu, Florianopolis, Santiago, Asuncion, Lima and Madrid. From other locations are often made stopovers in Rio, Sao Paulo, Santiago and Buenos Aires. There are carriers of other countries with branch Carrasco Airport, although no direct flights made​​. Also arriving domestic flights from airports in Punta del Este, Salto, Paysandu and Rivera. For reports, call (+598) 2604 0329. 
To get from the airport to the city center you can take a taxi or one of the bus lines that pass through the inside of the terminal, with high frequency. There are also car rental companies such as Budget, Europcar and Multicar.

In bus 
The main bus station of the country's tourist Terminal Tres Cruces, five minutes from downtown. To reach the terminal buses of all departments, plus several international countries from the region (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile). To get from the terminal to the city center, you can take a group bus (lines 21, 64, 187 and 330 reach the Plaza Independencia) or a taxi at reasonable price.

By Car 
The main routes of the country leading to Montevideo. From the departments of the interior, reached by car is a practical option, as the distances are short, and the longest journey takes less than six hours. The Interbalnearia route from the east coast, Route 8 from the middle-east, Route 5 from Rivera and center of the country and Route 1 from Cologne are the most important land routes arriving in the capital, all in good maintenance. 
Since Brazil can be reached by crossing the Chuy-Chui (Rocha), Rivera-Sant'Ana do Livramento (Rivera), Quaraí-Artigas (Artigas) and Rio Branco-Yaguarón (Cerro Largo). From Argentina, you arrive by land travel between Paysandú-Colón (Paysandu), Gualeguaychú-Fray Bentos (Black River) and Concordia-Salto (Salto). The town of Bella Union Artigas bordering Brazil and Argentina.

Moving in Montevideo

Being a relatively small city, the center of Montevideo can be covered perfectly walk or bike during the day. 
The most used transport is the bus, with only about one dollar ticket (always pay with Uruguayan pesos and change). The buses have high frequency and often make trips downtown quickly. There are marked stops covering the entire city, and not have to walk more than two blocks to take the nearest bus. However, during the peak hours in the city (between 8 and 10 am and between 17 and 20 hours), can be uncomfortable traveling by bus, as almost all are filled and some fail to stop load more passengers.

From midnight the frequency of the buses starts to decline until 6 the next morning. At night it is convenient to take taxi. Taxis are a very safe way and the whole city is covered by the service. Fares are not expensive; charged via meter and the price list is in sight. A three kilometer costs approximately $ 20. For longer distances can be confirmed with the driver. If you do a scale, as previously warns otherwise charged again "flag fall" (about a dollar fixed rate). On weekends and night hours the rates are higher. You order your taxi at the Center at 1919.

Beaches in Recife: information and photos

Recife is a stunning city where it is viewed. Capital of the state of Pernambuco and one of the most important cities of the Northeast, this destination hosts some of the most beautiful urban beaches in Brazil. The coast of Recife is famous for its endless and moved for its beautiful coral reefs, an unforgettable experience for divers tourists. 
It is what makes this such a special destination Recife: nature and culture are in a harmonies contrast filled with ultra-modern ecology beaches but intact. See all sporting, cultural and ecological famous beaches of Recife in our exclusive guide proposals.

Beaches of Recife Guide

Boa Viagem: The most popular and traditional beach of Recife, with amazing scenery and turquoise waters surrounded by the most contemporary architecture. It is absurd to say that Boa Viagem Copacabana and Ipanema racing as one of the best urban beaches in the country. In its 7 km long beach is protected by a barrier reef, forming natural pools on low tide. Swimming is not permitted beyond this barrier, given the presence of sharks (and therefore not allowed to surf). The preferred area for locals and tourists is the center, with many facilities for a day of pure relaxation beach.

Pina: The continuation of Boa Viagem and officiates at the center of events and shows in the city, besides being the gastronomic center. It has calm waters, ideal for bathrooms, and has all the infrastructure for sports (volleyball, tennis, beach soccer, basketball ...). If you like nightlife, Pina is it mandatory meeting. Here rests not fun.

Brasilia Teimosa: Most popular Barrio, where we see the great skyscrapers to find humble dwellings. It is located near Boa Viagem and Pina, and is distinguished by its continuous line of reefs and for being the newest beach town. It opened in 1956 in honoring its name to the then recent capital. In his new waterfront there are several bars and typical restaurants with seafood. From here you can access the famous sculpture park Brennand.

Praia del Chifre: Nestled between Recife and its neighboring city of Olinda, there the Marine Headquarters and military residences, hence its name are located. It has a cute picture of vegetation, clear waters and waves it was really used by surfers to ban the sport (again, shark attacks). The beach has a good urban infrastructure but it is not very popular, so it is somewhat insecure, mainly in the area of ​​Maruim neighborhood. One of the most interesting attractions in Praia del Chifre are the ruins of the old Fortaleza do Buraco. 

Piedade: Located in the neighborhood Jaboatão Guararapes, and takes its name from the picturesque da Piedade Church, built on the seafront in the seventeenth century. The port of this beach is also of great historical value. Except in the front of the church (where there have been several shark attacks) in the rest of the beach bathrooms are enjoyable thanks to the protection of coral reefs.

Candeias: Also located in Jaboatão, has three miles of white sand and green water, surrounded by much development. It has calm sea, very good for bathrooms. The walks along the border are more than advisable, as there are plenty of bars and restaurants installed there.

Barra da Jangada: The next beach Candeias, a less urbanized landscape and darker waters, drenched Jaboatão Estuary. Its calm sea is perfect for tourists looking for a haven away from the capital's pace. A classic ride Barra da Jangada do is navigate to the Love Island when the tide is high.

Tourist Places in Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Attractions Capital

The beautiful rugged landscape of the Serra do Currall was chosen by the Brazilian government to establish the first planned city in Brazil in the late nineteenth century. The city was designed and built (from a colonial villa of the eighteenth century) as the new capital of Minas Gerais, replacing the historic Ouro Preto. 
Characterized by the perfect blend of tradition and modernity, Belo Horizonte is today one of the largest cities in the country and one of its most fascinating destinations of Brazil inland. It is also one of the cities with the best quality of life in Latin America, where the culture can breathe with every step. Parks clean, contemporary buildings, historical treasures, and sophisticated dining and shopping as many bars per capita in the entire country, this multifaceted city surprises at every turn.Principales sitios turísticos de Belo Horizonte

Ecological Park of Pampulha: Amazing green built on an artificial island in the Pampulha Lagoon (also aertificio). This modern landscaping design buildings and modern architecture (designed by Oscar Nemeyer) located there are the symbols of the city. Among them, the beautiful Church of St. Francis of Assisi, a pioneer in modern architecture, painted by Candido Portinari. There are also recreational, ecological and sports (the Zoo, for example) (as Mineirão stadium).

Praça do Papa: Its official name is "Israel Pinheiro Square" but popularly renamed after the famous visit of Pope John Paul II in the eighties. The papal presence also gave rise to various religious monuments installed there. But the most fascinating thing about this place is the view: from its 1100 meters high an incomparable panorama of Belo Horizonte, which gives you all the right to the name of the city is appreciated.

Palacio das Artes: Artistic and Cultural Complex of the art, with fantastic showrooms, galleries and arts and media arts, film and theater. It is located in the grounds of City Park, Avenida Afonso Pena in 1537.

Mangabeiras Park: One of the largest urban parks in South America and the largest city, with almost 350 hectares. It is located between the Sierras do Currall and plays an important role in ecological preservation. In addition to various areas of entertainment, has countless tours to learn about the regional flora and fauna. 

Praça da Liberdade: Is the main square and historic Bohemian Savassi, a youthful place full of culture, music and cuisine. The "Freedom Square" was built during the construction of Belo in 1895, and focuses around the various architectural styles that were marking the urbanization of the city. These historic buildings and cultural centers around the square up the interesting "Praça da Liberdade Cultural Tour".

Praça da Estação: It is so named for being in front of the old train station, through which came the materials used to build the city. Its official name is Rui Barbosa Square and houses beautiful fountains, marble statues and monuments. It is the main point of the popular games.

Central Market: The ultimate place to experience the culture mineira vividly through aromas, colors and flavors. All items of local production are represented in the 400 local Market: food, drink, jewelry, crafts ... It is also a leader in the trade in the city since 1929.

Hippie Fair: One of the largest craft fairs in the world, with over 3000 stalls where to see and buy the most exotic handicrafts. Every Sunday morning on Avenida Alfonso Pena is performed. 

Cachaçatur: A must tour for lovers of culinary tourism ... and fun. The circuit includes the most famous "cachaçarias": bars and restaurants specializing in artisanal cachaça (Minas Gerais is the leader in developing Brazilian sugarcane). Do not miss the Mineiro Clube Da Cachaca with over 1200 varieties of the drink, not the Restaurant Da Kafua Xico, a museum dedicated to its history. You can also visit the stills, where the cane is distilled to make rum. 

History and adventure trips: From Belo Horizonte can do amazing excursions by land Minas Gerais. Do not miss a walk weekend to colonial cities that integrated circuit Gold: Ouro Preto, Ouro Branco, Diamantina, Mariana, Tiradentes, João Monlevade. There is also horseback adventure and ecotourism, the Parque Natural do Caraça, municipality Tasting High; or the National Park of Serra do Cipo, just 100 kilometers from the capital.