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viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Tourist Places in Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Attractions Capital

The beautiful rugged landscape of the Serra do Currall was chosen by the Brazilian government to establish the first planned city in Brazil in the late nineteenth century. The city was designed and built (from a colonial villa of the eighteenth century) as the new capital of Minas Gerais, replacing the historic Ouro Preto. 
Characterized by the perfect blend of tradition and modernity, Belo Horizonte is today one of the largest cities in the country and one of its most fascinating destinations of Brazil inland. It is also one of the cities with the best quality of life in Latin America, where the culture can breathe with every step. Parks clean, contemporary buildings, historical treasures, and sophisticated dining and shopping as many bars per capita in the entire country, this multifaceted city surprises at every turn.Principales sitios turísticos de Belo Horizonte

Ecological Park of Pampulha: Amazing green built on an artificial island in the Pampulha Lagoon (also aertificio). This modern landscaping design buildings and modern architecture (designed by Oscar Nemeyer) located there are the symbols of the city. Among them, the beautiful Church of St. Francis of Assisi, a pioneer in modern architecture, painted by Candido Portinari. There are also recreational, ecological and sports (the Zoo, for example) (as Mineirão stadium).

Praça do Papa: Its official name is "Israel Pinheiro Square" but popularly renamed after the famous visit of Pope John Paul II in the eighties. The papal presence also gave rise to various religious monuments installed there. But the most fascinating thing about this place is the view: from its 1100 meters high an incomparable panorama of Belo Horizonte, which gives you all the right to the name of the city is appreciated.

Palacio das Artes: Artistic and Cultural Complex of the art, with fantastic showrooms, galleries and arts and media arts, film and theater. It is located in the grounds of City Park, Avenida Afonso Pena in 1537.

Mangabeiras Park: One of the largest urban parks in South America and the largest city, with almost 350 hectares. It is located between the Sierras do Currall and plays an important role in ecological preservation. In addition to various areas of entertainment, has countless tours to learn about the regional flora and fauna. 

Praça da Liberdade: Is the main square and historic Bohemian Savassi, a youthful place full of culture, music and cuisine. The "Freedom Square" was built during the construction of Belo in 1895, and focuses around the various architectural styles that were marking the urbanization of the city. These historic buildings and cultural centers around the square up the interesting "Praça da Liberdade Cultural Tour".

Praça da Estação: It is so named for being in front of the old train station, through which came the materials used to build the city. Its official name is Rui Barbosa Square and houses beautiful fountains, marble statues and monuments. It is the main point of the popular games.

Central Market: The ultimate place to experience the culture mineira vividly through aromas, colors and flavors. All items of local production are represented in the 400 local Market: food, drink, jewelry, crafts ... It is also a leader in the trade in the city since 1929.

Hippie Fair: One of the largest craft fairs in the world, with over 3000 stalls where to see and buy the most exotic handicrafts. Every Sunday morning on Avenida Alfonso Pena is performed. 

Cachaçatur: A must tour for lovers of culinary tourism ... and fun. The circuit includes the most famous "cachaçarias": bars and restaurants specializing in artisanal cachaça (Minas Gerais is the leader in developing Brazilian sugarcane). Do not miss the Mineiro Clube Da Cachaca with over 1200 varieties of the drink, not the Restaurant Da Kafua Xico, a museum dedicated to its history. You can also visit the stills, where the cane is distilled to make rum. 

History and adventure trips: From Belo Horizonte can do amazing excursions by land Minas Gerais. Do not miss a walk weekend to colonial cities that integrated circuit Gold: Ouro Preto, Ouro Branco, Diamantina, Mariana, Tiradentes, João Monlevade. There is also horseback adventure and ecotourism, the Parque Natural do Caraça, municipality Tasting High; or the National Park of Serra do Cipo, just 100 kilometers from the capital.


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